Changes waiting in the wings

Anyone who remembers the start of my personal blog here should remember why I started it; this weblog was a test-bed for the new version of the content management system "Tech with a twist of lime!" is running, that version went gold months ago and has even has a pair of stability releases.  So coming up you will see this site's functionality morph to a more fully featured platform much like the one at GRLT.  After the tests are complete they will roll to the Midlands Hybrid Club site, once that site is ready for Saturday's soft launch this site will go back to being my personal blog but able to handle anything I might throw at it.  Next up is the upgrade of GRLT and the splitting of the tech and hybrid sides of the sites, long overdue.

Back to that history lesson, I had a test mule but it bore my name, only at this point did I see the point of a personal blog (for myself anyway, I’ve been reading personal blogs for years). I got really into posting and found my balance, then work got in the way and I stopped posting altogether. After becoming a workaholic yet again, I found a pseudo-balance for work/personal life and now I am back baby!


Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Fresh new song!

Album Cover

Album Cover

I was listening to "I love to move in here" off Moby's new album

this morning on my way to my staff meeting. This song has a great beat and a nice rap session and some great bass lines, it really caught me by surprise. I listened to it about five times today and cranked up the volume in the Prius.  The lyrics were easy to learn and I don't anticipate this one playing itself out quickly, unless XM channel 26 picks it up in their rotation.  XM 26 is the station the radio is set to at work.  The fresh new song and the cool breeze combined to put me in a great mood for the day ahead.  Listen to "I love to move in here" and let me know what you think.

Update: After writing my mini-review of this track I found a place to download it for free and a review of the whole album here:

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

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Day off, 2007.9.19

Today was my highly anticipated day off, I missed the opportunity to exercise in the daylight, but I completed a task that has been on my task list since the month after I took delivery of my Prius. Today’s walk was several times longer than usual and the first half went at a brisk pace, the second half I was exploring and went at the usual pace. Tomorrow is tentatively light strength training day, we’ll see what happens then. I did not get quite as much done as expected because there were unexpected errands all day, and about 14:30, the Prius project started to materialize. I will provide more details at “Tech with a twist of lime!” tomorrow after some field-testing.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."


I've been running at full-throttle since 06:45 Eastern, I don't have the energy for two full posts now, there will be a brief write-up on today's trip at GRLT.  I did fight the flab today with a walk on a different route and running with crazy energy and enthusiasm.  Tonight I will sleep soundly.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Fighting the Flab IV

Today’s walk was awesome, the fall temperatures were amazingly comfortable.  The cool, soft, autumn breeze was just enough to keep my temperatures down and I did not feel like a grungy caveman after arriving back home, I had a thin layer of perspiration and felt the effects of a light workout but without ending up feeling disgusting.  I did get some of the light strength training in, with a bonus, today I helped several customers with their luggage but they were all flying with bricks, their heavy belongings were my free bonus strength training!  At “Tech with a twist of lime!”, I will discuss my upcoming business trip.  I think Tuesday, I close at work, and this enables me to have the morning off to write some more substantial content for both websites.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Fighting the Flab III

Day off

I am enjoying my only day off in a week.  Today’s installment of Fighting the Flab was a bike ride; I borrowed a self-shifting bike and rode it for about half an hour.  The hills put up quite a fight, I triumphed, winded and humbled.  The self-shifting bike didn’t like shifting in to high gear on straight downhill or level sections, and uphill didn’t want to shift down to my liking, but it didn’t allow me to over exert myself on an uphill stretch.  If this was all I would say, the bike did a great job. However, the seat was extremely uncomfortable and I will have to figure out how to adjust it for a better fit or get bike of my own, the seat will not allow me to make my goal of riding to the fountain at the other side of my housing development.

Tomorrow is back to walking and other miscellaneous exercising escalating into a real workout or disappearance of belly fat and man boobs, whichever comes first.  The ultimate goal of this plan is to achieve great fitness and to achieve a body image I’ll be satisfied with I’ll detail this goal later but now I have to post to keep up with my pledge.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Quick update

Today was a light day, I could not do my walk because of the rain, but I did play mini golf and Ping-Pong with my neighbor’s son, an exercise on its own.  Tomorrow is a day off, I plan to do chores, catch up on feed reading and blog posting, as well as getting my walk in, and working on the light strength training, I’ll be back here tomorrow, until then have a great weekend.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Quick update on Fighting the Flab

Today I had a sore ankle and decided to just go for a short walk, keep up a good habit, but the music was so uplifting, I ended up doing a full walk.  Tomorrow I should do more light strength training, I just need one of you to lean into me a bit, don’t let me slack off and progress will be steady.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Fighting the Flab II

I am making slow progress on my self-improvement/fitness plan; remember that is a good thing.  I did get the pushups and such done; the stair climbing never did come to fruition, although I did get a few climbs in outside of the plan.  I also didn’t get any of the jumping jacks and such done, though I did get some dancing in (I feel that counts if done right) and there was an unexpected jog of respectable distance too!

The jog only reminded me of how much I hate walking, I’ve always been a jogger/runner even when I walk it is done at a wicked-brisk pace.  After I get some more money saved up I’ll get some trainers (tennis shoes) and get back in my element, by then the walking and such should bring the lung capacity back to where it needs to be.  Eventually I want to be able to sprint (I don’t know of anyone who can sprint for miles) run/jog the entire distance I’ve been walking.

Over at "Tech with a twist of lime!" I talked about my first day back trading hours for dollars, and I already have a story about a brush with utter danger!

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."

Homer Simpson ImpressionWhich Wich - Sandhill - Columbia - SCMy ClubMy Meal (spelled my name wrong)The Dreaded Brownie.jpg

Which Wich?

In pursuit of full disclosure, I paid for the following meal out of pocket; GCustom will reimburse me the full amount of my expenditure.  The following review is not a sponsored post.

I had never heard of Which Wich before moving to Columbia, I thought others might like a preview. Yesterday, I ate at Which Wich (WW) at Sand Hills, in Columbia, SC.  My brother has applied for a job here twice (the first time they lost his application), their applications are the traditional paper application plus one of their order bags.   This was unique enough that when combined with the spontaneous sounding name and decorations outside the building, that I made up my mind to try them out (that and my T-Mobile Wing picked up a free WIFI signal [802.11g unsecured]).  Now you know how I discovered this unique(ish it is a franchise) sandwich shop.


The interior is like that of Chipotle, stainless steel and pine, but the walls were drywall, painted shades of yellow, with an exposed black painted ceiling and infrastructure (air ducts and electrical conduits etc.).  There is outside dining with umbrella-equipped tables, they seem to be close enough that you would easily hear any concerts that go on in Sand Hills' performance area.  I walked in and identified the only table with a power outlet (in the back grrr), then ordered my food. Like most trendy eateries, they had no issues with me plugging in my laptop; though I would like to see at least one or two more places with outlets.

The Food:

To order your food you pick up a baggie for the staff to put your meal in, on the front are the ordering options, there are over nine types of order baggies, you need to choose the type that corresponds to the sandwich you want, I wanted a Bacon Club so I chose number 8 or 9 "Classics".  After you place your order and pay, fill your drink (unless you ordered a shake), and pick a table, next you wait.  When the order is ready, staff members call your name (they spelled mine all kinds of wrong see photo) and some other words I could not comprehend. You can see the baggie in the picture below.  When they have finished prepping your food they put it in your order baggie, so far everything looked promising. 

Anyone who knows about me and Chipotle or Moe's will know that putting my hot food in an aluminum foil wrapper will activate some of my Pavlovian responses.  The food was pleasantly warm and not scalding, about what you would find at other Tex-Mex joints.

Inside the foil is a wrapped sandwich like you'd expect to find at Subway, Quisnos, or any other sandwich place.  The sandwich was nicely toasted and not overcooked or wilted in any way.  It could have used more flavor, but that might be due to the way I ordered it.  For instance, I don't care for whole tomatoes so if I can request not having any without offending, I will.  The Coke was well chilled and not overly carbonated (cough, Subway, cough) so I did not have to wait long for the bubbles to subside to the point where I could put more beverage in the cup before putting the top on.  I don't care for ice in my drinks due to my teeth's cold sensitivity, but I will tolerate it if not done excessively (here's lookin' at you Sonic) or if I have a straw.  I do not recommend the brownie, it tastes just like any other pre-made, pre-wrapped brownie, just tolerable, at least it was moist, most of these things taste the same but some establishments have notably dry brownies.

Final words:
I would visit again; WW has tasty, warm, wholesome foods. I might even add them to my lunch rotation but the food isn't at a level where I'd make specific trips out to go visit them, they do have a satisfaction guarantee, but I didn't have time to try it out, and it may have been my fault like I said.   I have gone on trips to other sandwich places when I am a craving for a turkey bacon club they might be one of these if my next Wich is better than the one today. The WW website indicates Sand Hills is the only location in the state; you can find all you want about them, with an obvious positive bias from their site.

Returning from the review, I spotted one Highlander hybrid, and three Prius (one twice for four sightings), if any of you are reading this, hello.

Kacey Green
"This post brought to you by Tangent's randomly firing synapses."